Heatwave On Your Wedding Day: How To Plan & What To Do

Heatwave On Your Wedding Day: How To Plan & What To Do

What To Do If Your Wedding Is In A Heatwave?

For those planning a summer wedding, your wedding day falling during a heatwave is a possibility. It leaves you with several questions – do I change my outfit? Will my outdoor ceremony work? How do we keep our guests happy and safe through a long scorching day? Here are some tips to keep you and your guests feeling cool on the big day. With heatwave groomswear advice too, there’s no reason a gentleman can’t look his best no matter the weather.

Couple stand on beach with private tent and decoration.


 SUAVE OWL White ShirtBraces 25mm Silver Clip, Chino Stretch Olive


How To Stay Hydrated On Your Wedding Day 

Staying hydrated may seem obvious, but for the middle of a heatwave it is vital, especially if you are going to be drinking alcohol heavily. Make sure water is available and plentiful. You can certainly do this with as much style as you’d like – you could opt for a glass water dispenser, infused water, or even ice lollies.

Model stand in embrace in shaded area.

Albert Brown Waistcoat, Albert Brown TrousersSUAVE OWL White Shirt



Sun cream is also important. You will want to touch up throughout the day to avoid sunburn. However, the SPF in sun cream which reflects sun rays can also reflect camera flash, making you look a little ghostly in the results. Make sure you address this with your photographer!


Groom's Outfits For Summer 

A thick 3-piece suit on a day upwards of 30° is a recipe for being uncomfortable – if not putting yourself in danger. You want to be the centre of attention on your wedding day, but not because you were taken to hospital. Follow this guidance to keeping cool and staying safe on your heatwave wedding day.

Model wears Wells sat on stairs.


Wells Jacket, Wells Waistcoat, Wells Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set



Consider the colour and material of your groomswear in advance. You’ll want your whole outfit to be made of a fabric that allows for absorption and airflow, such as linen, seersucker, or cotton. Wool blends can also make for excellent summer wear, maintaining their aesthetic and odour repelling qualities while removing some of the heaviness. 



Stick to light and bright colour shades for your suit pieces and shirt. They reflect the harsh rays of the sun and keep you cooler.

Model wears the Elwood suit with his jacket off shoulder.

Elwood Jacket, Elwood Trousers, SUAVE OWL White Shirt, Van Buck Plain Bow TieBraces 25mm Silver Clip



With a scorching forecast, why not relax the dress code? You could ditch the waistcoat, just wearing a jacket, trousers and a cotton shirt. You could get rid of the tie and leave your top button undone for airflow. You could even free yourself of suit trousers and instead wear shorts; either tailored suit cut-off’s or smart chinos. Don’t surprise your to-be-spouse with a relaxation of dress code on the day – they might be miffed wearing a heavy outfit all day – but it’s certainly worth a conversation!

Couple stand in relaxed wedding attire in garden.

SUAVE OWL White Shirt, Braces 25mm Silver Clip



From here, there’s a few tricks that should help you feel comfortable. Opt for bamboo socks which are naturally temperature regulating. Carry a hanky alongside a pocket square so you can use the hanky for mopping up sweat but keep the square looking polished. Lastly, carry your chafing treatment of choice for you to apply liberally at the start of the day and top up as required – you’ll be grateful you did!


What To Discuss With Your Wedding Venue For A Summer Wedding

Either in the run up to the big day or while looking around venues, you must talk to your venue about how hot weather would be handled. They may have air conditioning, tents available, or fans for your use. If they don’t have any of these, you can discuss bringing your own. Set up your plan with advance and let your venue know.



If you are planning on spending lots of time outside on a heatwave day,  double check your venues policy on candles. Citronella candles keep insects at bay, worth the investment if your venue will allow them.

Couple stand in woodland with sun behind.

Dion JacketTed Single Breasted Waistcoat, Dion Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set



You should consider whether your outside furniture is heatwave appropriate. Plastic or metal chairs in direct sunlight will not be suitable and could cause lots of problems. Think through where your guests will be sitting, the amount of shade available, and how comfortable you would be in their shoes.


What To Discuss With Vendors For A Summer Wedding

Talk to all vendors about what their service would need in a heatwave. Certain accommodations may require help from your venue. Extra bar staff at a pop-up bar may just need water and shade. Your wedding cake may require refrigeration up until serving, then a spot out of the sun. Talk it through with each vendor and make sure you are prepared for your day.

Model wears Ted suit in shade.


Ted JacketTed Single Breasted Waistcoat, Ted Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set


What To Discuss With Guests For A Summer Wedding

Lastly, remind your guests to bring fans, sunglasses, hats, suncream, after-sun, anything to help them on a scorching dayf! This will take pressure off you and keep your guests as happy as possible!


Weddings With SUAVE OWL 



Our services for groomsmen, such as our Groom's Room Experience, are highly reviewed; read our blog for more information about how to make selecting your wedding suits an experience to remember!


For more about summer wedding preparation for groom's, read Summer Wedding Advice For Grooms. You can also read Men's Wedding Fashion: Top Trends & Tips For Grooms and The Ultimate Guide To Men's Suits.


If you’re still searching for inspiration, take a look at our socials, or another of our blogs! Follow our Instagram, FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest to see the full SUAVE OWL experience waiting for you!  

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