Rain On Your Wedding Day: How To Plan & What To Do

Rain On Your Wedding Day: How To Plan & What To Do

What Should You Do If It Rains On Your Wedding Day?

 After all the planning, the idea of your big day being surrounded by a downpour is disheartening. However, rain should not ruin your wedding day and, with some practical tips, it won’t. If you want to keep your brogues as dry as possible and enjoy yourself no matter the weather, read on…


Model wearing Wells walks through the rain.
Wells Jacket, Wells Waistcoat, Wells Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set



How To Plan With Wedding Venue & Vendors For Rain At Your Wedding


What you have planned for the big day will have an affect on how much the weather affects it. Consider your schedule and where weather could have impact, such as an outdoor ceremony or photography session. From here, make a plan B to negate the impact of bad weather on the day. This will be a smaller scale task with simply moving activities inside for some. For others, this will be a larger problem and require some serious thought.


Groom looking out of window wearing the Cody suit.
Cody Jacket, Cody Waistcoat, Cody TrousersSUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set



You should also contact your venue to discuss alternatives for wet weather. They will likely have plenty of answers. If you have yet to book a venue, ask during your search. However, it is worth considering that venues may charge for outdoor tent hire and extra wet-weather provisions. It is best to ask as early as possible in your wedding planning – nobody wants an extra cost last minute to add extra late-stage stress.


How To Adjust Your Wedding Wardrobe For Rain


Of course, if rain is on the forecast, updating your attire accordingly is important. This does not mean a massive wardrobe overhaul for your suit. There are a few simple steps you can take to stay dry and look your best.

Model wears the Ted suit under cover outdoors.

Ted JacketTed Double Breasted Waistcoat, Ted Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set


Bring an umbrella. It might sound obvious, but it could be day-changing. If you opt to take all your pictures under cover and use umbrellas to get around, there should be very little evidence of rain in your photos at all. Plus, a neutral white, black or clear umbrella could look fantastic in photographs – you could even get matching ones for all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. If you’re not an umbrella fan or there’s high-winds in the forecast, a clear raincoat or poncho might not be as stylish but it will get you from point A to B. 


Groom wears cream groom's suit standing with bride under umbrella.
Elwood Jacket, Elwood Waistcoat, Elwood Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set



Water-resistant spray is your friend – especially for footwear. Give your shoes a good polish and spray coat a few days before the wedding. If you’re planning a farm wedding, wellies might be the best course of action for getting around. Depending on how unwilling you are to get wet and how much time you will have to spend outside if it does rain, it could be worth adding a water-resistant layer to the bottom of your suit trousers too.  


Wedding Photography For Rain


Hopefully for your larger group photos, your venue should be able to provide either covered or inside space. With a photographer you trust, there’s no reasons rainy day photos taken inside shouldn’t be stunning. 


Couple outside venue face camera. Groom is wearing the Wells suit. Bride is wearing a pale pink dress which matches the hot pink car behind them.
Wells Jacket, Wells Waistcoat, Wells Trousers, SUAVE OWL White ShirtPlain Twill Tie & Pocket Square Set


However, for your couples shots, consider embracing it. Rainy day photography can be striking with tons of romance. For a set of photographs sure to stand out and make impact, consider a rainy or overcast shoot just for the two of you.


A Sign Of Good Luck


There is a Hindu saying that a wet knot is harder to unravel, therefore rain on your wedding day only strengthens the bond of your marriage. Over the course of your relationship and marriage, there will be many obstacles worse than some bad weather. Ultimately, it’s important to remember what truly is important on your big day and keep that close to heart.


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